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Privacy PolicyJapan Ship Machinery and Equipment Association

Privacy policy

The Japan Ship Machinery and Equipment Association (JSMEA) has adopted the following policy and procedures to protect personal information. We fully understand the importance of protecting personal information and promote the protection of personal information.

Managing personal information

To maintain the accuracy and current status of personal information on partners who provide us with such information and to prevent their unauthorized access, or becoming lost, damaged, falsified and divulged, JSMEA makes all necessary efforts, including the maintenance and management of security systems and the provision to properly educate its employees. We will ensure safe and strict management of personal information.

Purposes for which personal information is used

When partners sign up on this website, JSMEA may ask them to provide personal information, including their name, e-mail address, telephone number and other such information. We use the personal information provided by partners for the purpose for which they are intended and to contact them through e-mail to give descriptions on business activities, answer queries, send documents and so on.
We may share the personal information provided by partners with member companies for some purposes. When doing so, however, we will only provide them with the minimum required information and strictly manage it in accordance with this privacy policy.

Ensuring the safety of personal information

JSMEA takes every security measure to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information that we receive.

Identifying partners

When partners make an inquiry about their data, or request to revise and/or delete their personal information, we will only allow it after verifying that such requests are made by the partners themselves.
JSMEA complies with Japanese laws and other rules and regulations that govern the personal information in its possession, and reviews the contents of this privacy policy whenever needed and improve upon it.

International transfer of personal information

JSMEA, member companies and third-party service providers may access personal information from locations around the world where laws on data protection may not be as extensive as in EU states.
We put appropriate protection in place to make sure that personal information is at all times properly protected and handled in accordance with this privacy policy and applicable laws on data protection.
We may contact partners to provide them with information on events, products and so on. If they do not want to receive such updates, however, they may choose to not receive the e-mails. Partners are advised to know that their personal information will be used in accordance with this privacy policy. However, they may at any time remove their permission for us to contact them.


Inquiries about how JSMEA handles personal information can be made at the following telephone number and/or e-mail address.
Japan Ship Machinery and Equipment Association
Tel : +81-3-3502-2041
E-mail :